Welcome to

WWW server

Our server is currently available in:

English language,
And in Russian: Win 1251 Koi-8 Macintosh MS DOS

Content of English and Russian pages may differ in details.
Please, refer to the Russian part for the latest updates.

Some of our pages are best viewed with browsers that support Frames feature and Java scripting.

Use Netscape 2.0+ to get the most.
(You can download the latest version of Netscape Navigator now)

Special note!
We are currently working on a Java script page where some new Java scripts are to be presented. If you have any new web improvements to share, let us know, so we could place a link to your page.

This page is copyright © 1995-96 by GRANAT js co.

If you work in Windows, try to check-uncheck this box:
It starts and stops a java-script, that works improperly with most UNIX computers.